Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Oh Hoppy Days

Last Friday was our first make up day after missing 2 "bad weather days" earlier this year. In Texas, "bad weather days" are usually days where it's cold enough for it to freeze or snow - but it probably won't. :) Because it was Good Friday and originally a day we were supposed to have off, I tried to make the day as fun and festive for the kids as possible.

First we made these adorable chick hats to wear during our "animal egg hunt." I have to admit, I am a little obsessed with these! They each had their own little personalities just like the kiddos wearing them!  I think I will be making many more paper plate hats like these. 

The kids were WAY into being chickens and even threw a little "balk balk" in between verses of several of our calendar songs! Inspired by their love of all things chicken, I taught them the Chicken Dance during music and movement. I could not believe how many kids had never done it before!

Here are some of my little chicks having a blast hunting for eggs. 

When we got back inside from the hunt, we did an "egg-periment" inspired by these Magic Rocks. I wish I had taken pictures of the before eggs, because the after doesn't really look like anything but bubbles! I made the eggs the night before by forming a clay mixture using about a cup of baking soda, a tablespoon of water, and some food coloring for each egg. I just squished the baking soda mixture oh so carefully together to form an egg shape and let it dry overnight. *Now that I have made them once, I will say that letting them dry in an egg carton is a BAD idea. The bottom parts did not dry at ALL. Next time I will let them dry overnight on a paper towel.* I also want to find little plastic chicks or something to sneak in the center next time I do it. How cute would that be?!

While the kids were in ancillary, I hid plastic eggs containing a letter of the alphabet in each egg.

When the kids came back, it was egg hunt round two! After the students found all of the eggs, they had to work together to put the letters that they found in ABC order. 

We also explored sounds using a few left over plastic eggs. 
I filled each egg with different objects from around the room and then hot-glued the same objects on the other side of the carton. Students had to shake the eggs and try to match it to the correct object by the sound it made. 

That afternoon, my sweet Mom came by to help me make an Easter treat for my little chickadees. The kids loved these goldfish carrots! You can download the "Some Bunny thinks you're GREAT!" tag that I made for free here. It comes in several different colors. By the way, sorry the picture is so dark - I was trying to sneak it in during nap time :) 

I think we had an "egg-cellent" day if I do say so myself :) 

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