Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I am loving the hubby's new work schedule that started last Sunday! I get to see him soooo much more during the week now! Before, he would not get home until I was getting ready for bed or in bed asleep. :( Now, he is already there when I come home from work so we have been able to go on bike rides, walks, and cook dinner has been SUCH a nice change!
This past weekend we went to east Texas for family reunion. Not only was it great getting to see everyone but since it is potluck, there is always the BEST food! And it's alllll comfort food (aka anything unhealthy). Hey, one weekend won't hurt right? ;) Alway, what I am LOVING is this brownie recipe I got from one of my aunts. I went home and fixed up my own batch as soon as we got back! There goes the whole "one weekend" thing...

 I am loving my Starbucks gift cards I recieved as end of the year gifts from my kiddos. I usually just make my own coffee in the morning but this morning, right after pouring a nice big mug of coffee, I knocked it over and it went all over the kitchen and all over me! After a change of clothes and a trip to Starbucks, I was all better and ready to start my day :)

After a LOT of use during small group instruction over the last school year, my old gel bags bit the dust. So today, I made a couple of new ones! The kids looooooooooooove these so I am looking forward to using them tomorrow during summer school small group. I am sure they can't wait to get their little fingers on these!
Oh, and we don't have summer school on Friday so tomorrow is my Friday. You know I am loving that ;)


  1. Those gel bags look like a lot of fun! Those brownies look delicious, you may have to share the recipe! Thanks so much for linking up!
    Covered in Glitter and Glue

  2. Your brownies look amazing!! And I love the gel bags. I bet kids totally love those! :-)

    The Craft of Teaching

  3. YUM FOOD.

    I'm glad you get more time with the hubster :)

    Anisa @ Creative Undertakings
