Monday, July 28, 2014

Dallas trip and Monday Made It

This past weekend was SO. MUCH. FUN! 

My mother in law got married on Friday so the Hubs and I went up to Dallas for the ceremony and to spend some QT with family! 

Here is my handsome husband and I killing some time before the ceremony:

I just love this goofy man!

A quick pic of the happy couple saying their nuptials

And the Mr. and I with his sisters and brother in law

This group is a good time, let me tell you! :) 

It is always so great seeing family and I wish we could go up there more! Although, we ate out a LOT. Seriously, amazing food! I am talking so full you can barely walk out of the restaurant amazing food!! So maybe it is a good things we only make it up there a few times a year ;) 

 As you can see, the trip took a toll on my boys. This is them on the ride home, ha! 

Ok ok now enough about my weekend. It is time for (drum roll please) another addition of 

4th Grade Frolics is so awesome for hosting this every week! I just love getting ideas from so many creative teachers and seeing what everyone has been crafting over the week!! 
So my 1st made it is more of an "assisted made it" if you will. ;) If you have never seen my blog before, first, Welcome!! Second, as of my last "Made it Monday" this is what my blog looked like...

Veerrrrrrrry different right? The old one was simple. Kinda boring. Nothing special. 

I was so over it!

Luckily for me, I just so happen to follow this amazing teacher, blog designer, and all around great person Lindsey on Instagram! After I saw some of her work and checked out her amazing prices, I just knew I had to strike while the iron was hot!

If you are thinking about starting a blog or you have one and it needs a major facelift (like mine) you should go check out Lindsey at Blog Designs with the Teacher in Mind. I cannot say enough about how great working with her was! She is THE most affordable designer I found, every single blog design of hers looks different because they are based on exactly what the customer wants. Plus, she respond back to e-mails crazy fast which, being extremely eager about the whole blog makeover, I really appreciated! 

I am telling you, go check her out! Then come back and thank me when you are as in love with your new blog as I am with mine ;) 

Now this I made alllllllll by myself :) 

About 2 weeks ago I got these Plain Jane clipboards (that I wrote about in my Dollar Store Treasures post) and knew I wanted to decorate them! I reserved a few to glam up for my brand new team this year, but I wanted to share the one I made for myself!

*Disclaimer: I am not a planner, a measurer, or a perfectionist. When I make things, I kinda just "go for it". So, if you find yourself being slightly anal retentive when working on projects, my way of going about this may make you cringe! You have been warned ;) 

First, I picked through some papers from my old scrap booking days and found a couple I wanted to use. 

Next, I traced the outer edge of the clip board onto the scrap book paper and cut it out. I then laid the top paper under the clip and drew how wide a cut out I needed to make. Next, I took a piece of scrap paper to "measure" how deep of a cut I need to make for the clip. This is what I ended up with for the top paper: 

Because I knew my paper would not fit perfectly around the clip or outer edges, I painted the top portion and edges of my clip board.

Once the paint was dry, I went to town with some Mod Podge! (love that stuff!) Mine dries clear with a  little bit of a glossy finish but you could use the matte finish too. 

I laid the scrapbook paper down and starting from the middle, I smoothed the paper out to avoid wrinkles and bubbles. I always use some type of plastic card (in this case, a Staples gift card) to flatten it and it works just fine! 

I repeated the same process for the back and added an extra strip of scrapbook paper in the middle on both sides. Then, I put my name to the back and a cute little white, burlap "bow" over the clip on the front. Voila! 

I just love the way it came out! I can't wait to make a few more!

My last made it is about a little Meet the Teacher (yes already!) prep work.

When I pinned this adorable idea for Meet the Teacher from First Grade with a cherry on top I knew that I wanted to use it this year for meet the teacher! 

My sweet sweet husband cut out all of the tags and I tied them on to 21 little bubble bottles. Now from past experience, I know good and well that I will probably only have about 10 families (at the very most) show up for meet the teacher... but a girl can hope right! 

I also whipped up these little apples for my Meet the Teacher "Giving Tree" 

I did a couple of each item juuuuuuuuust incase I have lots of parents who want to make donations!

I still cannot believe it is almost August! I am hoping to get into my classroom this week so that I can get started and try to ease into the school year this year! 


  1. I had stars with supplies on them last year for Meet the Teacher. It was great! :) Love your apples. I used that clipart in my Monday Made It too!

    Creativity to the Core

    1. Saw your signs with apples...too cute! Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. Your clipboard looks great - I love it! Congrats on the new blog design - it looks fantastic too!!

    1. Thank you so much!! I just checked out all of your "Made its" and everything is ADORABLE!!
