Friday, July 4, 2014

Five for Friday


Happy Independence Day! Tonight we are getting together with friends to swim, BBQ, watch fireworks, and most importantly, celebrate this great country. Happy 4th of July everyone!

Wednesday was the last day of summer school and it was pretty bitter sweet. A few of the kids in my summer school class had been my babies all year and I was just really getting to know the rest of the kids. That being said, by Wednesday they were all acting like they were ready for a break from school and I am not going to lie, so was I! 

Y'all, this mid-summer motivation group that I posted about here last week, OMG! I am LOVING it! It is the best thing I have done for myself in a looooooong time! The ladies in it are a-ma-zing! They are so supportive, and sweet, and motivational, and FUNNY! I have seriously done better when it comes to eating and working out this past week then I ever did when I was paying a LOT for a personal trainer! I am so excited (of you couldn't tell) to be on this healthy journey with these incredible woman!

Okay, so being a super organized person is something that I strive to be, not something that I am just yet. My hope plan is that with a little extra time now, I have no reason NOT to be that organized person I would like to become. I am starting small with a few labeled drawers on my desk... hopefully there will be more signs of organization in the future!  

Cork board Inspiration! Soooo I bought this cork board few years ago on sale. It has 2 picture frames at the top and tiger stripes all over it which was great when my class was "the tigers" but does not make too much sense for "the ants"! It has been sitting under my desk for 2 years now and this week when I was cleaning out my room, I finally decided I better redo it or get rid of it! Since I have a hard time getting rid of things of course I am going to try and redo it! ha! These are some inspiration photos I found and will hopefully have my own finished product next week! :)


  1. Happy 4th! Our summer school just started and goes til like the week before school starts. I'm not teaching it...although I'd like to. I have cheerleading camp coming up, and the dates just don't work. I can't wait to see your new can link up for Monday Made It! :)

    Thriving in 3rd

    1. I just finished my board yesterday and will be sure to link up tomorrow! Thanks for the great idea Lindsey :) Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July! Have a blast at cheerleading camp!
